I love having oatmeal for breakfast, especially if I’m making breakfast just for myself. Pair it with a cup of tea and a cozy couch to curl up in, while flicking through the morning news, and that’s a perfect morning for me.
Although I love the Trader Joe’s oatmeal (blueberry, to be exact!), there’s something to be said about making food from scratch. Last week I made this oatmeal and it was filling and fantastic. I also loved the crunch of the half cooked apples. Yum!

5-Minute Homemade Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal
2014-02-01 19:36:20

Serves 1
Homemade apple cinnamon oatmeal that's healthy and ready within 5 minutes.
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Prep Time
3 min
Cook Time
2 min
Total Time
5 min
- 1/2 cup oats
- 2 teaspoons cinnamon
- Water
- 1 gala apple, peeled and diced
- Optional: sugar (to taste)
- Optional: Handful of chopped walnuts
- In a bowl, mix together the oats and cinnamon.
- Depending on how thick or soupy you like your oatmeal, fill up your bowl with water. I recommend a little over 1/4 cup of water (you can always add more, never take it away!).
- Microwave for 2 minutes.
- Mix in chopped up apples and sugar or walnuts if you’re using it. Stir, then microwave for additional 1-2 minutes.
Fancy Fork http://fancy-fork.com/
That looks amazing!!
Thank you!